Coyotes can be found more and more often in the urban and suburban areas, as their natural habitat is being slowly destroyed and they are in search of food and water sources. As much as coyotes are an important part of wildlife, there is no surprise people feel threatened by their presence near their homes. In this article, we discuss if coyotes are in fact dangerous and what are the steps we can take to stay safe.
Coyote attacks on people are in fact quite rare as they are timid animals who want as little to do with humans as we do with them. However, we need to remember they are wild animals and their behavior can be triggered – for example, coyotes tend to be more aggressive around their mating season. Coyotes can be a potential danger to children and pets, as they are more defenseless than us adults. Most incidents can be prevented if we pay attention to our own behavior.
With the rising numbers of coyotes in urban areas, it is good to remember these few tips that will help us keep our family and friends safe.
Children are more defenseless than adults and their curiosity and activity may trigger a coyote. Kids tend to be snappy and their sudden moves can be considered as a way of attack to coyotes, who then will try to defend themselves by attacking back. Therefore, leaving children unattended in the yard creates a big risk of an incident. It is also important to remember that coyotes resemble dogs and small children can easily mistake those wild animals for domestic pets. It may be worth teaching your kids how to differentiate a coyote from a dog. WHAT TO DO WHEN APPROACHED BY A COYOTE?
First, you want to scare the coyote away. Initially, you must stand your ground and make yourself very loud. Then, start waving your arms around to make yourself appear bigger and therefore scarier. Never turn your back to a coyote or run away! Slowly back away towards safety, while continuously making loud noises in an authoritative voice. If you have things laying around you (for example rocks), you can try throwing them at the coyote – not to harm them, but to scare them away.- MAKE A REPORT
If you notice any coyote acting extremely aggressively toward people, you need to make sure to report it to local police. Odd coyote behavior includes attacking leashed pets, approaching people, chasing children or bikers. In case of attack, contact a doctor immediately to get treatment and then contact your local wildlife agency to resolve the problem.
Coyotes can cause severe damage to our gardens and property, but also pose a threat to us and our families. However, coyote attacks are extremely rare and depends on our own behavior. If you want to stay safe from coyotes, remember to take precautions discussed in this article.